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Create an application 🖼️


For this guide, let's assume that the new application that we want to create is "hello-world"

  • Go in the nui/scripts/configs/applications.js file.
  • Add a new key (it will be the command name) appCode template:
<div id="app-{APP-KEY}-world" class="application">
<h1 id="app-{APP-KEY}-title"><button id="{APP-KEY}-quit" class="app-exit"></button><button id="{APP-KEY}-minimize" class="app-minimize"></button>{Title}</h1>
<div id="{APP-KEY}-wrapper"></div>

Example with our hello-world app:

const Applications = {
// ...
"hello-world": {
usable: true, // (optional)
width: 300, // (optional)
height: 200, // (optional)
hide: false, // (optional: will hide the app from the desktop)
appCode: `
<div id="app-hello-world" class="application">
<h1 id="app-hello-world-title"><button id="hello-world-quit" class="app-exit"></button><button id="hello-world-minimize" class="app-minimize"></button>Command Prompt</h1>
<div id="hello-world-text"></div>
// ...
  • If your application is not hidden (hide: false) then you have to add an icon:

    • 64x64 size
    • PNG format
    • app key as name (in our case hello-world.png)
  • To create locale for your application you can add a key at locales/locales.js for all languages

  • You should always load the locales when the NUI message of type show is sended to follow the user's language setting (at nui/scripts/script.js)

window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
if ( === "show") {
// ...
document.getElementById("hello-world-text").innerText = GetLocale("hello_world_text")
// ...
// ...

To create advanced applications, you should take example from existing ones such as the market/mail application.