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Create an address 🔗


Client-side files that belongs to an address should go into the client/addresses/ folder
Server-side files that belongs to an address should go into the server/addresses/ folder

For this guide, let's assume that the new address that we want to create is ""

  • Add the new address to the app_config.lua file in the AppConfig.Addresses dictionnary
AppConfig = {
-- ...
Addresses = {
-- ...
-- ...
  • Create a folder in nui/addresses/ with the same address name: nui/addresses/
  • Add app.js and app.css to the folder
  • The app.js file should contain an event listener with the address name and we have to replace the inner HTML of the addresses-content element by our address HTML
document.addEventListener("", () => {
document.getElementById("addresses-content").innerHTML = `
<div id="guide">
<p>Following guide!</p>
  • Then in the app.css file you can create all the style that you want to apply to your address HTMl
#guide {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: stretch;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 10px;
width: 400px;

#guide p {
font-weight: 800;
listening to the address being closed

You can listen to and do your things when the address is closed.

document.addEventListener("", () => {
console.log(" has been closed")

don't include this event listener in the other listener, they should be separate